Visit the Quest for the Invisibles You Tube channel, where you can watch a selection of videos featuring infrared and ultraviolet footage showing various invisible life-forms, captured at my research area near Oxford. Take a look at the Hidden Reality series of videos, which feature bizarre life-forms such as the "Spinning Jennys" and the "Plasmatic Gliders," as well as a whole host of other strange objects, which were all captured using readily available equipment. You can also listen to extracts taken from BBC Radio Oxford's Malcolm Boyden show, where Nik Hayes discusses his work with Quest for the Invisibles, along with the work of infrared UFO pioneer Trevor James Constable, and the reality of invisible biological UFOs in the skies over Oxfordshire.
From the fall of 1974 to 1980, a strange series of events took place in Florida, USA, in the village of Palm Springs. After experiencing some minor acts of vandalism, Gregory Harold installed a Kodak Super 8 security camera in his back garden, hoping to identify the culprits responsible, and bring it to an end. Upon reviewing the footage he discovered numerous strange images, including small helmeted beings, alien-like creatures as well as moving balls of light. Intrigued by this, Greg continued filming for another six years, and his subsequent books The Alien Connection and Gods of Religions feature many of these amazing images, along with a detailed analysis of each photograph. The DVD Harold's Mystery also covers the whole story including original film clips, again providing evidence of a hidden reality existing all around us. The books and DVD are available from Amazon, or can be ordered from any good book retailer.
Gregory Harold's classic book The Alien Connection has just been re-published. This second re-worked and much updated edition of the book is now available from Amazon, and can also be ordered from any good bookstore.

MaxMax are an optical company based in the USA who specialise in infrared and ultraviolet products. They have been modifying cameras since 1997 and offer many different services including infrared, ultraviolet and full spectrum (IR + Visible + UV) camera and camcorder conversions. They also have a large range of infrared and ultraviolet pass filters available in many different sizes, designed to fit most cameras and camcorders. The MaxMax website is packed full of information covering every aspect of infrared and ultraviolet photography, and is very easy to navigate. are a friendly camera conversion company based in the Isle of Wight, UK, who offer a variety of camera conversions, including infrared and full spectrum. As well as converting several different models of camera, they also have a range of ready converted cameras for sale. The website is easy to navigate, and full of relevant and useful information, as well as having a photo gallery showing various images captured using converted cameras. are a small friendly family run business that are based in Coalville, Leicestershire, UK. They are specialists in ghost hunting/paranormal research equipment, and offer a huge variety of infrared conversions and full-spectrum cameras and camcorders, along with a range of other equipment such as IR/UV illuminators, meters and detectors, and EVP recorders. They were established as a limited company in the UK in 2013, and continue to work closely with several of the UK's most respected paranormal investigators. The website is easy to navigate, and full of helpful information covering all aspects of recording and documenting invisible phenomena.
Thanks to the following: Paul Tice at The Book Tree, Dan Llewellyn at, Ellie James, Gregory Harold, Karon Annels, Ellis Taylor, Ben Emlyn-Jones (HPANWO), UFO Truth Magazine, Neil Geddis-Ward and Andy Chaplin (Paranormal Peep Show), Mark Johnson and Irene Allen-Block (Paranormal UK Radio), Dave Schrader (Midnight in the Desert), Dave Gilham (CUFORG), Steve Ward (High Strangeness Factor), Jay Weidner (Reality Check), Chris Mathieu (Forbidden Knowledge News), Ken Swartz, Chris Turner (The Last Transmission Podcast), Tommy Cullum (Let's Get Freaky Podcast), Emlyn Williams, Mike Maunder, Steve Drewson (Swansea UFO Network) and everybody else who has helped, encouraged, promoted and supported my work over the last few years.
All IR and UV website footage - copyright 2021 - Nik Hayes/Quest for the Invisibles, except "UFO Shower" photograph which is taken from They Live in The Sky and is copyright 1958 Trevor James Constable. The "Amoeba-like Bio-form (1st, 4th and 6th photographs) are taken from both Constable's 1958 book They Live in The Sky, and the 2008 re-issue of The Cosmic Pulse of Life, and are copyright 1958/2008 Trevor James Constable. The four ovoid bio-form photographs featured in GRCU section "Multiple Photographers - Three different Countries" are all taken from The Cosmic Pulse of Life, and are copyright 2008/ Trevor James Constable.
All GRCU photographs are copyright GRCU/Luciano Boccone, with special thanks to Claudio Bertieri (Ivaldi Editore) for GRCU photographic permissions.
Huge ovoid bio-form featured (bottom left) in GRCU section "Multiple Photographers - Three different Countries," is copyright 1977/ Florin Gheorghitza.
All website IR/UV transmission graphs - copyright Thanks again to Dan Llewellyn at
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