Quest for the Invisibles

Nik Hayes - Phoenix Probe International - UFO/Paranormal Conference, Lytham St. Annes, Blackpool, September 2019.
(Photograph - Laura Sayers)
There exists an entire world around us that cannot be seen. It is said that the human eye sees only about 2.5% of the electromagnetic spectrum, so over the years many people have questioned what is hidden from us. One of these people was Trevor James Constable, a pioneer who first began his work in the Californian desert in the 1950s, photographing what he considered to be UFO-type objects and strange biological life-forms traversing the skies in the infrared part of the spectrum. Although many of the invisible UFOs he photographed were disc or saucer-like in appearance, Constable discovered that these were in fact living beings, as opposed to being of a mechanical nature, and he held that when these objects became visible they were mutually confused with spacecraft. A quarter of a century later, teams of engineers and technicians from both Italy and Romania, who unaware of Constable's 1958 discoveries, obtained virtually identical infrared photographs of invisible UFOs and other aerial phenomena that were published in Italy in 1980. Despite this, the so called "UFO experts" have consistently failed to recognise the importance of these findings, preferring instead to perpetuate the myth that all UFO manifestations must be interplanetary spaceships and nothing else, a myth which has sadly become the mainstay of modern-day ufology.
After my own low altitude encounter with a strange pulsating UFO on Christmas day evening 2008, I ultimately ended up with a lot more questions than answers. With mainstream science failing to rise to the challenge, and official ufology seemingly totally unable to provide any real explanation for this type of phenomenon, I knew I would have to look elsewhere to find the solution. The UFO I encountered that evening appeared to be made of energy or pure light, as opposed to being a solid physical object, and as it moved slowly and silently overhead it reminded more of something from the deep ocean, rather than a spacecraft. In the end, it was only Trevor James Constable who could provide me with a satisfactory explanation for what I saw in the sky that night, and I believe that his findings hold the key that will help unlock the UFO mystery.


Fig:1 shows the visible UFO I encountered on that freezing Christmas day evening in 2008, whilst walking my dog Alfie. This image is taken from movie-mode footage, recorded at 29 fps on my standard Casio Exilim digital camera. The object appeared to be made of energy or pure light, and as it moved slowly above my position at no more than walking pace it appeared to be breathing.
Fig:2 shows an embossed, and slightly enlarged version of the same image, and it's dome-like top and bottom have now become more evident. This encounter completely changed my life, and would ultimately lead to my later photographic work with Quest for the Invisibles.
Quest for the Invisibles is dedicated to continuing on with the work first started by Trevor James Constable, trying new techniques and using equipment that just wasn't available when he first began probing the infrared in the 1950s. The skies of planet Earth, like its oceans, are full of life and other strange anomalies that exist in a spectrum invisible to normal human sight, but thanks to advances in technology it has now become much easier to take a glimpse into this unknown realm. There are so many aspects to the hidden reality surrounding us, and over the last few years I have documented a whole of host of strange phenomena, not just up in the skies, but also at a much lower altitude, and many of these revealing photographs appear in my book Quest for the Invisibles which was recently published by The Book Tree. Just as Trevor James Constable stated in his book The Cosmic Pulse of Life, there is no better time in history for looking into this invisible world than right now, and a whole multitude of new discoveries await those prepared to explore this normally unseen borderland. Nik Hayes